Daunti's world

By daunti

Sacred words

Feeling kinda blue .... but in good way as I sit on a beautiful Sunday morning in my yard on my meditation bench.

It's not that I do my morning routine every morning (trying to get to that point) but when I do it is the best way to start the day. It starts with easing into the day, getting up, and first and foremost thanking God for another day. I received this white iron bench from my in-laws house that I use now for my meditation bench. It is in my yard and has found its new home under my favorite tree that is filled with all sorts of pretty things that hangs on its branches. I have birds that live in that tree too. If I were a bird I would definitely make that tree my place.  It has been my favorite place to sit have coffee or tea and the place where I do centering prayer which is something I am trying to master. My time,  just me and God. In centering prayer when your mind gets distracted, which mine does more that I would like, you are suppose to think of a word to bring you back. It's called a sacred word. I have been trying to find my sacred word for quite some time now. I have been changing it because no word has felt right yet. Maybe not sacred enough. I have been noticing that when my mind wonders I find what beings me back is the sounds of nature. The beautiful sounds of early morning, birds chirping, locusts doing their thing, winds making the leaves talk and my chimes chime. When I hear those sounds it just made me smile in graditute and I started to say the words, "thank you". Thank you God! It brings me right back to nature which bring me right back to God. All Glory and Praise to God for creation and for all things! "Thank You" ... my sacred word. Yes it has taken me a while to find my words, but I don't think there could be more perfect words.
#bluedress #bluecup #feelingblueinagoodway :)

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