
Just when I was beginning to worry that the local wildlife had moved to other cooler parts of the country, the heron showed up for a fly-by and the osprey made a pass or two.  So, I guess all is well.

I've purchased more file folders for my ancestry project -- surprising because I bought a lot to begin with and used them all very quickly,  This is the point in the project that I've reached a number of times in years past when it becomes ugly and overwhelming and so I put it all back in the boxes and hope it either goes away or sorts itself out and then lets me know when it's finished.  

Today I discovered old stock certificates for the now-defunct Lake Huron Silver & Copper Mining Company (there goes the family fortune), and evidence of a rollicking affair between my great grandfather and one of the ingenues in his theater company.  After a brief interruption for a routine visit to the eye doctor, I'm back at it trying to sort out who's who since he's pronounced my eyesight adequate to tackle the fine print (make that microscopic) in the 1876 newspapers.  Pity I didn't think to invite him over to help me read some of this stuff.  

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