
By Beewriter

S is for.......


It was a great day today. We had some lovely donors in today and it was a steady day so I got to have some fab conversations with people. We made one lady's day at the end of the afternoon session. Janet had brought in a megaphone that she'd picked up at a car boot sale. It works as a megaphone and also plays a loud tune...Ole Ole Ole Ole...and so when I saw that it was a lady's 75th donation I played it for her and announced to everyone that she'd just filled her seventy fifth bag of blood....she was beaming from ear to ear. I need to buy one so I can do it more often!

For some strange reason people say Janet, Sue and I are like naughty school girls, I have no idea why......mwhah ha ha.

I love days like today when you enjoy what you do, have a laugh, chat with people and have a great team around you.

I was about to load the lorry and hadn't got a photo and Sue just happened to be in the right place at the right Bob's ya uncle!

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