Lala's Journal

By Lala

The Girls Day 4 (but really day 5)!

Day swapped after last night's fiasco when I posted on the wrong day because it was gone midnight! So this is really Thursday's blip and Thursday's is Wednesday's. Still with me? If you are, the following is boring anyway!

A dreadful morning weather wise,(I was secretly pleased because the heavy rain meant I didn't have to water the garden)! Forced us to town to start getting stuff in for Sunday's BBQ. The numbers are creeping up and so we hit the town and Lidl. All the meat bought now, other person bringing the fish. Still have to get all the drinks, alcoholic and soft plus salads, desserts and breads. This is going to be expensive!!

Photo is from Dog walk with Mollie when we threw the ball right into the sea and Dog still managed to retrieve it!

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