One Shot

That is all I took today.
Mainly because we now no longer have PD to look after on Mondays or Fridays which means no 'enforced' walks.
But also, the changing weather front passing through left SWMBO with a migraine so she has not been out of bed all day (on evening).
This meant that I had sole charge of the kids!
Surprisingly, they were pretty well behaved today.
The Cygnet read to me for a bit, but Squirrel just wouldn't get with the programme when it came to her turn and she pretended to not know what letters were which and was guessing at words.
Even the Cygnet was getting frustrated with her and was trying to explain how to just sound out the words - with no joy.
So we gave up on that before the fight started.

We went shopping - and they didn't start demanding magazines, sweets, cakes etc which is very unusual - and even managed to avoid getting snarled up in the nightmare that was the traffic heading to the new 'Range' store (people were stuck in queues for half an hour who had no intention of going there but as there are only 2 ways to get North/South through the town and the store is more or less on one of them ........) I imagine tomorrow will be even worse.

There was a lot of 'nice' playing between the kids and Squirrel had her gymnastics class which took any pressure cooker off the boil. As a treat they were allowed to watch one of Squirrels birthday present films until it was time for me to go home and them to go and get their hair cut.

The thunder storms and heavy rain forecast as coming through during the day never appeared 9although there had been heavy rain during the night)

I haven't even come close to feeling like i could do with a drink today.
So it has been a success (apart from SWMBO).

The blip? ................. a bit of water on top of a bollard outside one of the shops we went into.

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