
By Lenore

Keeping warm - and walking!

We had a couple of tons of wood delivered yesterday - it was supposed to come in the afternoon and of course it came whilst I was out and had to be left on the drive.  

I nipped into town to go to the market (my endless bid for keeping the housekeeping down means the market is my friend).  Whilst I was out, the husband took a welcome break from the dissertation and started getting the woodshed ready.  As soon as we came back from town, we all got to work helping shift the logs.  Well, the youngest wasn't very much help, he spent about an hour entertaining the neighbours cat who had come to visit, but the eldest got his wheelbarrow and moved the kindling.  So, joint effort, the wood was stacked by lunch.  

The youngest has been the undoubted star of the day today, the walking has been coming on, but we reckon he's officially up on his legs now, little bit wobbly, and the eldest is 'helpfully' aiding by pulling him along, which is a bit of a delight to watch.  The youngest celebrated (along with befriending the local cat), but refusing to sleep this afternoon and falling asleep after about two mouthfuls of dinner.  I think I need to make a trip to Clarkes this week and get some shoes sorted. 

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