Dr Jones

By jones

Jack's back

I went running with Anne at 8.15am and I did my 2nd fastest 5k run. I dropped off the girls at work at 9.30am and then went to Taro Deg with Anne for a cup of tea. Jack left home and headed back to Wales. Because of the disruption at Waterloo station, it took him forever to get to Euston and he caught the train with minutes to spare. He had to run all the way up from the underground and he’s not feeling too well and thinks he has a chest infection. The train was completely full and he ended up sitting on the floor.
The girls finished working at 1pm so I went to pick them up. I didn’t do a great deal in the afternoon and I drove to Bangor by 5.15pm to pick up Jack.

In the evening, we went to Dan and Anne’s for dinner.

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