Dr Jones

By jones


I dropped Jack off at work at 7.30am and then went for a run on my own.  As I had been running much faster with Anne, I decided to try and run at the same pace today and managed another 2nd fastest 5k.
Our plans for tonight was for us and my brothers to go round to my youngest brother Raymond’s house and sit in the garden whilst he cooked us all pizzas. Unfortunately, the weather forecast was not good so we had to change our plans. We decided that everyone could come to mine and Raymond would slow cook some beef. At lunchtime, I popped to the shops to get some food. When I got back, I made some sandwiches and a flask of tea and the girls and I drove to Gimblet where we sat on one of the rocks to have lunch. Within seconds of taking a bite of my sandwich, it started to rain which got quite heavy pretty quickly so we had to abandon our picnic and drink our tea in the car. Bibi was in the driving seat so we went to Haven to pick up Jack from work. Bibi’s driving is coming along well but Penny is not a good back seat passenger. The wallpaper in the girls’ bedroom is a mess and today they started to strip it. I called Ian (painter & decorator) who came round to give me a quote for decorating the room. He can start tomorrow which is good as the girls had plans to paper it themselves.

In the evening, my brothers and their families came round.

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