Not A Gambler

But I had to have these from my jeweller friend ..... they kind of sum up how life treats us.

A few years ago a woman was looking at a similar set but couldn't make up her mind and left. She came back a while later and contemplated them again. James did a deal with her ........ If she threw a double 6 he would give them to her - if she didn't she would pay. There was a bit more contemplation and discussion as to whether James was serious (his wife was seriously annoyed - but kept quiet).
The lady took him up on the bet ..... and threw a double six.
James wrapped up the dice and handed them over.

However, it was a win win situation because she (obviously) told lots of people, word got around the entire festival and loads of people came in on the back of it and James's sales went up!

I just picked them up, told him I was having them and never even asked the price.

As for today .......... SWMBO had a long lie, I did some woodturning. We both did a small amount of shopping and I had to go back to the lathe to make a pull for Bags .... she has obviously bought new blinds.

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