Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

A bird

We had a lie in this morning, because our neighbour's son, who is home alone, had a rather noisy gathering last night - so noisy in fact, that W had to go round at 1.20 this morning and tell them to turn the music off.  I think it's the incessant bass beat that is so disturbing.

After our regular Sunday morning (just) poached eggs, we cleared the entrance hall, and made a run to the Oxfam shop with boxes of junk stuff that can be reused.

Home via the local garden centre to buy some of their rather nice home cooked scones.  And several hours spent out on the estate, clearing things out of one shed and into a different one.  Some stuff ended up in the landfill bin, some in the recycling bin, and some is "to sort later".

Then a brief opportunity to sit on a bench and admire the garden (as Monty Don frequently reminds us we should), in the rather pleasant evening - warm, with no wind.  The view of the garden from our chosen bench is in extras.

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