Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

The final push

This area opens off our kitchen.  When we moved in, the far end was  walled off, with a door, as a sort of cloaks cum broom cupboard.  And the near part was set up with a kitchen work top as a computer/office area.

The plasterboard wall came down very early in our occupation.  The kitchen worksurface was reused.  The sockets - the hole you can see to the right of the window - were dropped to low level.  And the light was moved , leaving a hole in the ceiling.

Until recently, the far end was full of boxes of books.  Now that it is clear, we have plans.  W is going to shelve the alcove (an old doorway) and put a plate rack around the some of the wall.  I was quite happy for this to be tackled "in a while", but W has the bit between his teeth.  Now that the entrance hall has been replastered, he has booked Jane to come and decorate both areas.  When I left for work on Thursday, he was arranging for her to come, saying that she is so busy that it would probably be into the New Year.  But she is available in the later part of October, and he's booked her!  So "no pressure"!

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