Half Bike Half human?

Colourful Mai and I went to Truro today to see an afternoon performance of  The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brian. On the outskirts of Truro we stopped at Waitrose to buy things for our picnic. I may have got a few more things than were necessarily needed!
The play was being performed by Miracle Theatre, which brings big shows to little venues! Both of us had read it when much younger than we are now! We both remembered the bit about bicycles - how by long exposure to bouncing along on them molecules from the bike pass into the rider and vice versa! So you have bikes chasing women and women who have to lean against things or they would fall over! The only other bit of the book I remembered was  about every birthday another veil falls over one, until they all give a dark colour - which may take many veils and so a long life, or only a few so a short one! 
The play was performed in the grounds of Epiphany House which"has served as a vicarage, a bishop's residence, a school and a convent. Since 2002 the House has been run by an ecumenical charitable trust as a retreat and conference centre with a rhythm of prayer and worship at its heart."     
 We were lucky that the sun shone and the afternoon was just perfect - the actors were good and one woman took 4 roles! They didn't do the bit about the veils and  none of the rest of the story had I remembered! It was therefore a most entertaining, confusing and wonderful experience!  The only unfortunate incident was that the folding chair I had taken broke as soon as I erected it! It's been in my "laundry room" for years unused! 
On our way home we stopped at Waitrose again to get food for the party tomorrow - and again a few other things fell into my basket! 
Photos of the play can be seen here! See if you spot the actress in 3 of her roles! 

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