
By mrsc48

Sunny Beach

This is the view during the day. The pool bar, pool and slides. We’ve sat on the stools at the pool bar but no drink. Where do you keep your money?

Its been uneventful today really well apart from an incident on the water slide later and a misunderstanding at the bingo but all in all a good day.

Mr C managed to bag the sunbeds in sunbed wars, good position to get the sun all day on teenage daughters instructions! Mission accomplished by 6.30am well done Mr C!

Teenage daughter and myself went on a little walk, well 6 miles round trip, not that she knew it was 6 miles or i doubt she would have gone. We went to look for the hotel my mam and dad stayed in the 1980’s! By the beach! Narrows it down a little! We kept asking people and funnily it was only 10 minutes away from everyone we asked! But we found it and were pleased we did. We had no camera so no photos so we’ll have to go back!

We walked back along the beach and treated ourselves to an ice cream. 1.69L (leves) cheap we thought. Only 1.69 per 100g! We must have excelled the 100g as the cost came to 15L! 15L oh well. We only had 10L with us but the kind man said ‘what is money’ and let us have them for 10. I will take the remainder to him tho.

We returned to our hotel and reserved sunbeds! This is where the main drama of today would unfold. Teenage son was on the water slide with the lilo we had been donated. How fun it would be if mam went down the slide on the lilo!

Teenage son would help me, he would hold the lilo while I sat on it at the top at the start. I sat on it, he let go, i moved forward, the lilo flew up from underneath me and was on its way down the slide without me, i reached out to get it turning at the same time, lilo now above me! It ended up behind me but I was now on my back going headfirst down the slide watching the lilo follow me! I did not want to hit the water head first and backwards so i had to turn very quickly over to face the right way. Some how I managed to flip over and make my entry into the water as gracefully as possible in front of an eagerly waiting audience! Not funny! But everyone else thought it was. I was followed down the pool by my lilo, a young lady who had watched everything from the top and then teenage son. Top tip from the pool today – hold onto your top!

With pool exploits over we had a little rest then out to salt and pepper for tea! And a game of bingo! We paid for the tickets, 10L - £5. Waited for the game to begin. We had a strip of 6 cards! Now i thought that meant 6 games! Wrong! All 6 were one game! No wonder we didn’t win. Was good prize money too! Never mind for the first time ever my family listened to me and only played on the one card! They’ll learn!
Back to the hotel and to bed. Another sunny day at the sunny day hotel in sunny beach.

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