A Day At A Time.

By ElCid


The storm raged unabated for nearly 24 hours.

All through the night, I listened to the gale force winds driving the lashing rain against my window.

In the morning light, I watched as sheets of torrential rain flew horizontally in waves down the drive, while on the drive itself a small river had appeared and was rushing in the opposite direction towards lower ground.

Through my kitchen window, my view of the hills so vibrantly lit up with fire only two evenings earlier, had disappeared completely beneath thick waves of mist and cloud.

Now, at midday, the winds have dropped considerably and the sun has even made brief appearances before thinking better of it and hiding once more behind banks of grey and charcoal clouds.

I had an appointment in Duns, but the aftermath of this rage left all roads out of Crunklaw blocked by fallen trees and floods. I wondered if I would be able to get out. My neighbour, in a large four-wheel-drive vehicle had given up trying earlier and called in to take the day off work.

But we live in the country and these things happen. It was amazing to see a gang from a nearby farm materialise with chainsaws and heavy lifting equipment and within an hour the road was passable again.

The floods are still bad. My normal exit is impassable for all except 4x4s but I shall attempt to leave by another route. I don't think I have any excuse for not making it to Paradise today.

Never mind. All good fun, eh?

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