breath test

This was me this afternoon; blowing into a plastic tube.  My own fault - I had been drinking.  Four glasses as it happens.

I’d had nothing to eat since last night and by about 1 o’clock this afternoon I was starving.  So I had my first drink.  (See extra.)

A ’test meal’ they called it.  Could have been vodka for all I knew.  A couple more glasses, then “blow in to this please”.  I’m shown this diagram in case I don’t understand what to do.

I’m given a different drink - water with a dash of Carbon-13.   They say it’s tasteless and colourless.  Who am I to argue ?  They’re the experts.

Then I’m sent to another room to "sit quietly”  for 30 minutes.  

“We need to do another breath test.”  I blow again.  “We’ll send this off to the lab - it’ll take about two weeks.”  And with that I’m free to go. 

I drive home hoping I'm not over the Carbon-13 limit.

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