Killer Squirrel

The little dear sent me to the hospital on Sunday while I was taking his picture.  Skeptics beware, this is a true story.

Thinking he would make a delightful blip, I placed him appropriately and then got down on the floor to take his eye-level photograph.  All went well until I tried to get up then my injured left hand from a previous fall failed to help push me up and I ended up tumbling across the floor, banging into the edge of a table on the way.   Yes, it hurt and yes, I thought I'd broken something especially considering that I couldn't get up easily and when I did, I couldn't stand on my left leg. The short version is I called 911, had a nifty ride in an ambulance, a fun experience in the emergency room and a two-day stay at the hospital.  

No broken bones, but I now have a bruise the size of Rhode Island on my hip and, to add insult to injury, I missed the eclipse which I've been waiting for since 2015.  The only casualty is my unbroken blip streak, but I guess I can always start over.  

On the bright side, I think this little guy qualifies for Tiny Tuesday.  

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