
By mrsc48

Rain either

Today rain was forecast so we didn’t plan to do much which was just as well because there was only Mr C awake before 11.30am! I felt tired before my holidays but don’t usually sleep that long! Anyway we had a little wander after lunch! Brunch or whatever at 1pm when all awake properly.

The beach was deserted. We had a coffee and large beer of course together then the gents went off their way and we went ours. We arranged to meet at Salt and Pepper restaurant on the way back for refreshments! Only coffee this time, very nice too.

We spent a short while by the pool where No 1 daddy and Family were out again. The little boy is always smiling.

I was beginning to think we were going to get through the day drama free! Well, not quite! Todays drama evolved from a broken lock, locked on the suitcase, it was a combination lock of which only 4 of us knew the code! It didn’t work! It wouldn’t ordinarily be a problem, but – the money for tea was locked in the suitcase and Mr C was chomping at the bit! We needed to go!
Mr C bright idea was take the case to reception tomorrow to break the lock. Good plan but we need the money now!

So with a bit of googling a little arguing and some brute force with tweezers we beat the devil and were soon in the case and on our way for tea.

The gentleman weren’t hungry, but we were, we’d wrestled with a suitcase and lock! We ate at Ginger bar and restaurant, very pleasant and reasonably priced. The gents were tired and wanted to go back to the hotel but teenage daughter and I wanted a little nightlife. 6 free shots and 2 for one cocktails later we too were heading back to the hotel!

We had such a laugh on the way back working out where to perform a complex move which someone suggested on social media, with photographs! It was a challenge we were to fulfil later nearer our hotel.

With cocktails on board manoeuvre performed we went to bed after reading our comments on social media.

Another good day, not so sunny but not much rain either.

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