A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

River Aire at Bingley

We went to Harlow Carr this afternoon, not to look around the gardens in this weather but to meet up with my sister in law and her partner from the NE who are staying in Harrogate.

It was lovely to see them and we drank lots of tea in Betty's Cafe.

I thought my blip was going to have to be a tray of Betty's Fancies but on the way home we crossed two very swollen rivers.

Here is the River Aire at Bingley precariously near to the back gardens of these riverside cottages and there is no sign of the weir.

The Wharfe in Otley was possibly even higher.

My sister in law is from Morpeth where the River Wansbeck has burst it's banks today so they were quite worried about what will happen on their way back tomorrow.

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