Ray of Sunshine

Here's a flower, one of many in the hanging basket out the front. It's like a little basket of sunshine when I go in and out of the house.

I took Eden for a health check this morning. The poor little poppet only weighs 500g and the vet doesn't think she's as old as I was led to believe. She also has worms, fleas and ear mites despite the 'breeder' telling me she had been treated for fleas and worms. I got a telling off from the vet who says I should have walked away and by buying her, I am encouraging unscrupulous breeders. I came away feeling very despondent and a bit tearful.
I am wondering whether to text the woman who sold me her but I'm not sure what I would gain from that. 
Eden has slept all day, obviously exhausted by the experience. My priority is to get her healthy and well.

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