Good Golly Miss Molly!

Today is National Dog Day. Molly celebrated by attacking another dog while we were out running, inciting fury from its irate owner. That's 2 tellings off in 2 days for me. Let's see if we can make it a hat trick tomorrow.

Despite agreeing to a night in with a take away last night, Poppy stood me up in favour of a sleepover with her friends, leaving me to a frozen pie and a night in front of the TV. She is making it up to me tonight with an early dinner at the local so I'm speed typing this to get it posted before we go.

I watched a bit of F1 qualifying and was slightly disturbed to spot D wandering around behind Damon Hill, looking like he'd lost something. I wondered if he might have misplaced our son but luckily, he later appeared on screen too. It's funny how, even in this age of smart phones, videos and youtube, it's still a huge thrill to see someone you know on telly.
Or is it just me?

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