a new year!

By Thesalh70

the writing's on the wall!

Graffiti (singular: graffito; the plural is used as a mass noun) is writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place.

woke in the early hours with a funny one-eye migraine! i'd gone to bed with it, a pain behind my left eye, and should've took tablets (i never take tablets!). instead, i thought it would go once i slept, but it woke me up at 1am....so i took some tablets!

alarm off at 5.45am this morning, as in Birmingham for a course at 9am, so need to be on it, and on the 7.50am from Derby. Trains scare me....i hate the journey to get one, as there's always a chance the traffic will be rubbish, and thinking i'd be ok allowing 50 minutes to get to Derby from my house (is it 18 miles?!), i made it with just 4 minutes to spare!!

standing room only on the train too and no room for the drinks trolley!

into Brum and a costa coffee, and alls good.

a good course all day, great lunch too, and great afternoon snacks....popcorn!

raining as we left Brum, and train home was packed, and the traffic from Derby was shocking. eventually got in at 6.40pm!

quick tea, and then off out with Liv in search of graffiti for her homework! she's doing photography. we drove for ages, in the dark, in some dodgy areas, and then she remembered seeing this wall, on a side street in Hyson Green.

she took loads of pics, but then my camera battery went, and the other 2 spares were at home! i took a couple with my iphone.

home and burned the pics to disc for her, and took her home.

now in and off to bed soon, and i'm sure the rain will still be here in the morning!

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