

This was our only full day in Jasper. In hindsight, we should have stayed longer - next time!

We went out to Athabaska Falls (see first extra) and it was heaving but great - such is the power of Mother Nature!

In the evening took the SkyTram (gondola) up Whistler Mountain. We climbed up to the very top! There were breathtaking views down the Robson Valley. On our way back to the station we noticed a storm coming in. By the time we reached the station the storm greeted us and surrounded the station in fog. Then there was lightning - awfully close!

The crew decided to wait it out...until we got to about 10 pm. Then they decided to go for it. We set out tentatively and all was well until there was another bolt of lightning right in front of us! The cable car came to an immediate halt. We hung there for what felt like ages... The young, rather small woman in charge was the definition of cool and in control. She had such an air of competence for such a young person. Soon she had us on our way again. There was a round of applause when she got us back on the ground!

Superb day with Tim. :-)

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