Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Transgender Veterans

Today Basic Rights Oregon staged a rally in blazing sun and fierce heat, to celebrate transgender members of the US military. On Friday the current President banned the military from recruiting transgender people, cut all funding for gender reassignment surgery to those in the military, and threatens to ban transgender people from the US military. Basic Rights Oregon issued this statement: "The Trump Administration announced a ban on recruiting transgender people for the armed services. The Armed Services are the biggest employer of transgender people in the world, employing an estimated 15,000 people. Join us to honor transgender veterans and service members. The military should never be used to discriminate."

Meanwhile my daughter "Angel," who lives on the outskirts of Houston, was sending videos of torrential rain and frightening floods this morning. The water was almost in the apartment where she lives. At the moment I have not heard from her in 3 hours and am trying to be calm. 

Please see yesterday for back-blip. I am out photographing political events every day lately. On some days there are multiple events. I'm currently unable to post comments but am always grateful for yours.

Update: Angel/Manko is in touch. No water yet inside. Hope that continues. The road out of the area where she lives has collapsed.

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