
By RetiredDBA

A labour of love

Just over a week ago I asked daughter K whether she wanted the old coffee table for her new flat in Tynemouth. She replied yes and in a moment of madness I suggested that it could be revamped with some sanding and stripping to look a lot lighter and fresher. This suggestion gained immediate approval from K. Nine days later after hours of sanding with the power sander and manually with paper, hours of stripping with foul smelling liquid which I hoped might make me high but just instead just gave me a headache, three coats of paint which you needed to be a contortionist to apply in some places and a coat of clear wax to the top the table is nearly complete - just one more coat of wax tomorrow. The before image is provided in extras. I hope K likes it - if not I might keep it as I quite like the new look.

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