Holiday club service today! For the first time I was leading the service. It went well and katie was a big help. She read prayers, demonstrated one of the silly games from holiday club, gave out the crunchies, led the actions with her friends for a song. I was also leading the children's work so took them all out for snacks, games and parachute time. This is katie and her friend who both rather love the racing piggies. They usually choose to have one each though!

It was the final pack down from holiday club after the service. We'd left all the art work, Christmas decorations etc up so the church could see them. It looked fantastic. When we'd got done, Katie went home with grace for lunch and a play. After a very full on week, a friend thought I could do with some time for a quiet cuppa on my own. I was very grateful!

When katie got back, she and I had some fun working on some new Disney duets B has bought us.

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