First Day of Course

Lovely morning to start our course :-)
Got to meet my fellow students.
Like most of the courses run by Bridge House Art there were a fair few returnees and a few newcomers.
Nice bunch of folk.
After our morning slide show we headed down to the river clutching our new sketch books and did a couple of exercises to get us loosened up and ready to plunge into our course.
Back to Bridge House Art (BHA) for lunch, which we ate outside.
In the afternoon we headed out to Rhue to do some sketching trying to capture the changing mood of the sky and the sea.
It's Kittie's intention that we should be at the same spot each day. Only moving our focus slightly so that we become very familair with a place and can note the changing weather and capture that in our sketch book.
She didn't want to introduce colour at this stage.
This is my sketch of the view I had over the rocks at the lighthouse at Rhue looking out towards the Summer Isles.
Very tiring day.

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