A time for everything

By turnx3

Grazing cattle

Another lovely warm, largely sunny day. We went to church in the morning, then Bernard went to pick Edna up from the care home again, so she could join us for a delicious Sunday roast dinner, cooked by Janet and John. In the afternoon, we went for a walk around the Anderson Flashes, along the canal and around Marbury Country Park, where I photographed these cows grazing in the sunshine. I thought it quite unusual to see so many different colours all in one herd. We saw quite a number of birds on the "Flashes", but not close-enough to photograph, - grey lag geese, Canada geese and lapwings, as well as the usual swans, coots and gulls. When we got back, we were able to enjoy our cups of tea out in the garden - not something we've often got to do on our previous visits to the Manchester area!
One year ago: Evening reflections

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