I know exactly how I am going to go

Death by spreadsheet it will be.

There's one particularly thankless task that I have to do at this time of year. It takes hours and a lot of agonising. It's made worse by the fact that I know some people won't be happy about how things land. Working within time constraints, the structure of a two week timetable and not having enough staff, makes it an almost impossible task. 6 hours later (thank you Chelle, you saved me at least another 2 hours) and I am probably 3/4 of the way in.

Had a lovely detour on the way back from Bolton this morning. Met my friend's twins. Absolutely gorgeous little boy and girl. It was a nice way to spend an hour.

Hospital appointment this evening. Not really any the wiser. Laryngospasm was mentioned. A fibre optic camera went up the nose and down to my larynx - no apparent issues. Frustrating!

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