Maiden Castle, Dorset

Maiden Castle wasis the largest Iron Age Fortified Hill-top Settlement in Britain. (across the centre of the image)
The ramparts are 80ft high and were designed to protect the settlement, which covers 100achres.
The Celts collected enormous amounts of large pebbles off the nearby Chesil Beach, and used them as armour with sling shots. A pit was discovered in an archaeology dig with tons of pebbles and slings hidden.
The Chesil Beach is part of the Jurrasic Coast, at West Bay the pebbles are pea size and famous for all sorts of uses, the pebbles gradually get bigger all along the coast until Portland where the beach ends and are as big as eggs and bigger and very hard, perfect for firing at the enemy!
It was finely defeated and the Romans took over.
Nearby Eggardon Hill is another fortified castle, a place I rode my pony, regularly.

Storms have been causing havoc all round Britain over the last few days, which has given some interesting clouds which change quickly from black to blue sky, as they sweep by.

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