Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Another bridge

My better half and I are about to cross another bridge in our lives and we have no idea what lies beyond. But where we are at today isn't where we thought we were supposed to be.

I know. I am not making any sense. But when you try to impart new ideas increasing efficiency, either old ideas will die away or the old ideas will continue hang around like a stench. In some cases, people try to merge the old with the new, but that only creates more damage. We tried all angles, and none have worked. It's time to move on and say we did all we could.

One of my favorite movie quotes is from an old silly science fiction parody, Galaxy Quest, "Never Give Up! Never Surrender!". It is hard for me to give up on something, And it is hard to surrender. But sometimes we have to - for our sanity and for our marriage.

So, when I feel stress, I walk or hike. Today it was a hike - 7 miles in 2 1/2 hours with a 1000 foot incline for the first 2 miles. I was working pretty hard. But, I did take a minute to take this shot. The bonus is that I came home feeling pretty good.

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