I think I'm back ....

....after quite a few days of feeling distinctly unwell.

1st I must thank you all for your kind words, encouragement and general "keeping an eye on me". Its always good to know who your friends are, so many many thanks again.....oh blimey sniff sniff I was getting emotional there for a minute !!

Started the day by dropping the car off to be serviced. By the time I'd finished N was there to pick me up & dropped me home. After I had had a cup of tea I decided to do .....The Lawn !! It hadn't been done since the time I did it when I shouldn't have done it ....so that done I then decided that it was time to search for a holiday online......

Five hours later I was on the phone booking somewhere in South Devon... just for a few days you understand..

Its been a fine sunny day but gosh you can tell that its the first day of Autumn meteorologically speaking I mean....brrrrrr it is really chilly this evening ....

Ta Ta catch you soon

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