Before the crowds ...

We needed to meet the little people at M's new office in Camden Market by 9am so had an early start today. 

It was very different at this time in the morning. Very empty of people and the stall holders were just setting up. We returned for lunch later in the day and it was totally packed and vibrant with visitors, music and food. An amazing place and always a favourite of mine. 

We walked along the canal to Regents Park with O and S and spent time there before walking back again and meeting M for lunch. His new office is amazing and very modern. He left us playing table football; just one of the activities for passing a lunch break. 

Back home on the Northern line to Finchley where S and I had a wonderful time playing with LEGO. O went on his laptop and Granddad had a rest...

Home ourselves later...and we experienced the frustration of cancelled and delayed trains that commuters face all too often.  

Remembering today hearing the awful news 20  years ago that Princess Diana had died in a car sad.  

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