This photo belies our lovely day really. But I left my phone at home so it was the only photo I took all day- I looked in her worksheet booklet from holiday club and it made me smile.

We had a bit of work to do this morning and it took us near to Dalby forest so we decided to spend the afternoon. We'd seen granny and grandad very briefly before work & Granny had thought we might like a picnic so we gratefully took that with us.

We had lunch straight away and katie had a long play in the park. We went off with her bike and she had a great time on the off road training trails, getting much more brave than she has before. She explored a bit and we played Pooh sticks. After dropping her bike back off, she got an ice cream & was delighted the lady said she could have two half scoops because she couldn't choose her flavour. I was delighted because she couldn't finish it! She went off for another play and made a wee friend. When her friend had gone we went down to the river. Katie stayed unusually dry by her standards! We were home in time for tea but it was a lovely afternoon just my girl and I.

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