Les Aiguilles Grises

A late start by a slightly poorlyTeam IttH, fortunately the glorious weather and vibrant blue sky were a wonderful restorative.
With less time than hoped we decided to do a route we've only done on snowshoes, it also let me show C a part of the Tour du Mont Blanc she's not done.
So a walk through more stunning forest brought us out at Mont Truc into this wonderful mountain amphitheatre, truly a place to celebrate. This prominent little hill, passed by by hordes on the TMB offers an amazing vista. There's also the added benefit of coffee and homemade tart myrtille at the chalets below.

The arêtes Tricot and Covagnet bound the sides, the Glacier du Miage still forms an impressive headwall and the Aiguilles stand tall on the skyline. For me the clouds just give it that final sense of grandeur this place commands, allowing shrouded glimpses of the even higher summits beyond.

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