Every Picture Tells .....


Scary or what?


A big thanks to Yeed for alerting me to the fact that it's the Norland Scarecrow Festival this weekend. I managed to nip up there early this morning before the crowds arrived. This year's theme is Superheroes and Villains and includes  all the usual characters such as Batman, Robin, Spiderman, Superman and  Wonderwoman. 

There's a particularly scary Donald Trump - the jury's out as to whether he's a villain but my blip for today is this equally frightening lady who appears to be a cross between Catwoman and Miss Whiplash.

Also dropped in at the scarecrow cafe at the church, visited the garden centre, potted-up some outdoor and indoor bulbs, made up a hanging basket, cut the back lawn, watered the front lawn before the rain arrived, checked the oil, water and tyres on Harriet's car, partly-dismantled her bike, washed her car and then went over for a meal in Leeds.

Day off work tomorrow.

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