Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Deepest Orange

The clivias are flowering. They're a beautiful orange - depending very much on how much sun they get: those bathing in direct sunlight are quite a pale colour (with wilted edges), but in more shaded conditions, such as the spot occupied by this example, they are a wonderful deep orange. I've struggled with photographs of them though, being unable to really demonstrate the colour, and also ending up with congested and distracting images, because of the profusion of flowers angling every which way, in multiple clusters.

This evening I took a shot of a cluster, which did show the colour, but was messy as usual. Then I thought to just single out one flower against the path. I've previously tried to focus on one, but since the flowers are so close to each other, I couldn't get them to really separate; with the path as backdrop, I think it worked much better. While there's still a big orange mass, I think it's come out more clearly than any of my previous efforts.

Judge for yourself in large.

In other news, today was rather good. Two of the patients I saw in clinic today presented the most well I have ever seen them, which was really really nice. 8)

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