Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Old Stuff

One photo today, taken on my One Street. I rather like the name of this antique shop. Completely clear and no-nonsense. ;-) Given the nature of the shot, I decided to process it a bit old-timey; I used Photogene's "20s Vintage" preset.

Larger if you like.

Busy old day today, but I managed - by dint of one no-show in the afternoon and the following person helpfully turning up early - to get away just in time to get to Megalong Books and pick up the book they had ordered in for me: Minority Report - volume 4 of the collected stories of Philip K. Dick, with of course, the eponymous turned-into-a-movie short story The Minority Report. I started on the train with that particular story, and can report it twists and turns more than the movie (which I don't think I could bring myself to watch now, since it features that bonkers little Scientolognome).

But there are some things that do bear watching:

Thing one is Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake mocking hashtags. At the risk of sounding #hipster I was using hashtags on #twitter before #hashtags were #cool.


'K ;-)

Thing two also happens to be from Jimmy Fallon, this time a lip-sync battle with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Stephen Merchant - and oh my hurting jaw and tummy you must watch to Gordon-Levitt's second one, at the end. #OMGDIEDOFLOL ;-)

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