Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Ahhh bless... my Nephew Adam ...

he has inherited his Aunty Janes (that would be me) facial expressions to a tee.
This boy has me in hysteric's he is as fickle as anything,I said 'come here and give me a cuddle' he say's in a pompous fashion ' Nooo' I say 'Aunty Jane buy you a fire station toy' ... he moved so fast on to my lap it was like lightening.. I LOVE him :D he is a so and so !!!!
Went to Sarrrfffff London yesterday to visit my brother and his wife and my two nephews,it's a long day,but it is Adams 3rd birthday next week and Jenny my sister in law did a little party for us as we won't be there on his actual birthday.Look at the joy on his face.... it is because I told him that his mother made the cake with my old socks.

On a darker note my Mum and I selflessly gave up our SNACK Wednesday for that family... and luckily we stopped at Oxford services on the way down to have coffee and cake,only one though !! because the only bloody treat we got at Stu's was some birthday cake and quite frankly I am borderline coma from too little sugar !!! They did do a decent lunch and evening meal ... but still...... ;)
p.s my little nephew Ben who is 7 months has got to have 'baby contact lenses' :( he has reallllly wonky eyes,there is a technical name for it but I cannot remember anyway they have to train his eye muscles up one at a time.... he is quite frankly the happiest baby I have come across in years,I am thinking he can see two of everything and that makes him happy ;) especially if it is his milk.. oh,and me of course xxxx

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