Sigh.......and so it begins...
The rain last night toppled over one of my prize delphiniums..... when I say prize,I gave myself that title and that is all you need to know.So small opportunist dived upon it before I could get a stake back in the bed and tie it back up which I COULD have done as it had not snapped just bent over.It was just pointless lifting a bare stalk up ! mind you,I should have lifted it with that little git hanging on to it and flipped her over the fence ....
I have had a bad headache now for over two weeks..... I suffer from the most shocking HORMONAL headaches and migraines,this one has been particularly vile.Still it could be much worse couldn't it..... my head might explode or my arms could drop thing that really helps and that my latest consultant suggested is flat coca-cola full fat as the caffeine and sugar is brilliant... and it does settle my stomach as I also take anti sickness with my meds...anyway enough of that...... Sadie is chomping at the bit to go out with the other dogs,but she does not have her next jab till Thursday next week !!
On an even lighter note Bobby the sex mad dog is having his balls off tomorrow... and not a moment too soon,he even started frotting my wellington boots this morning... I was not in them at the time.
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