it's coming.........

........chrissy-moose that is

it is written in the sands
and it's that way

It's Thursday.
My nightshift was t h i s l o n g (it was longer than even that)
I had to be at work at 10 pm
I had to drive to 11 pm.
I had to drive back to 5.30 am.
I had to write up a report about what had happened........
I had to do that until 11 am.
I wasn't tired by then.
I had to walk the dog.
I had to go to the beach to do that (on a day like today, it's the law).
Now I have to vacuum, dust and tidy.
I have someone visiting in a couple of hours.
Then I have someone visiting at 7 pm.
I haven't slept since 1030 am yesterday.....I think?
It's about now that things start to get a little fuzzy and confusing......
.....where's my bed.....?????

Mr C attempts resuscitation

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