I'm 45 suckers!

I got fantabulous presents. Without exception. And I'm a bloody hard woman to please. I did an immensly chuffed Ron Swanson face upon getting an ancestry DNA test kit, i'm so looking forward to getting the results back....and finally solving the world's greatest mystery... whether my hair came mostly from an African warrior woman, with a soupcon of Pictish fishwife and a sprinkle of 'Take no shit" Viking. Speaking of Ron Swanson, I got Ron and Lesley Knope bobble heads for my office. They have pride of place.

But hey! There's more! I also got the full West Wing box set, Harris Gin (yeah baby!), chocolate.. in fact a whole lotto chocolotto...a whitestuff voucher, prosecco, a handrawn picture from Tess and then there is Sam's contribution...only needing to be shouted once to get out of bed for school (Once! Amazing!). And even though my work day saw me run round everywhere, a bit cream crackered and a 7.30pm finish at Woodhill house tonight for an HMiE inspection session, today was a good day for a birthday.

A visit from Ma n Pa Sinclair late on, a gin down, some apple pie and now I'm going out clubbing.

Okay, so that last bit was a lie....i ain't doing da club thang. Icing on cake? Some pals might be relocating to North East Scotland. Best present ever!!!

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