Birthday Flowers

I'm all over the place today.
I wanted to go to the coast and take pics of the full moon but after spending all day in town getting the 'very important' stuff for the girls Birthday  I was just knackered and happy to be home.

The boys and I went for walkies up the hill to the little park...I took my phone with me to take a couple of snaps...nothing serious .....However when the moon rose so gorgeously framed amongst some trees in a pale pink and blue sky.....I kicked myself for not taking my camera...I got a couple of crappy ones on the phone....wouldn't even dream of posting them.

I spent quite some time with my friend at her flower shop today picking out the flowers I wanted the girl to have for her special and pink  was the theme a lovely mixture of snappies .... ranunculas...rosehips and all sorts of lovely stuff to make up a big bunch.

Well I was a day ahead of myself and thought that it was abstract here we are...her bunch of flowers in abstract.......and her Birthday isn't until tomorrow...but I knew that.
This image reminded me of a Gustav Moreau painting.....I actually dont know why.......he is one of my favorite I had to post it.

“I am convinced that most people do not grow up...We marry and dare to have children and call that growing up. I think what we do is mostly grow old. We carry accumulation of years in our bodies, and on our faces, but generally our real selves, the children inside, are innocent and shy as magnolias.”

- Maya Angelou

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