Whale Watching....Sort Of......Shades of Westray..

Orkney .....and the day Peter and I went searching for puffins...(long story)...... today we went whale watching…saved up all my pennies to take the kids…it was bloody expensive…..the gorgeous day turned to crap.
It really got a bit disappointing and miserable…the kid ended up with his head in a red bucket throwing up his breakfast (even though he had half of a pill for seasickness) Jaiya and overdosed on the pills and arrived off our dials to get on the boat…giggling like school girls…dizzy……..
....some other guy looked after the bucket when Flynn had finished…( extra ...Flynn after he lost his lunch...poor kid...look at that face)

Flynn didn’t give a toss about the whales after that and went to sleep…..(that was such a shame as for a good half hour he was singing to them to get them to come and meet him.......they didnt)……..after all of that just about everybody was thrilled when the boat headed homeward and back to dry land.
We saw a few fins and humps though and heard a few grunts and snorkelings..that was about it ...oh the mountains and hinterland looked rather lovely....it's strange to look on them and imagine that we will be living up there in the not too distant future.

Went up to ma and Pas for the afternoon as it is there 65th anniversary.....gosh! it seems inconceivable that one can stay with the same person for all of that time......definitely a medal is in order but we took a yummy cake.

“Fiction was invented the day Jonah arrived home and told his wife that he was three days late because he had been swallowed by a whale..”

-Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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