
By RetiredDBA

Wainwright's Yard

Probably my earliest ever blip entry. The weather is so appalling I cannot imagine I am going to do anything very exciting for the rest of the day. Popped into Kendal this morning. Overhead along Wainwright's yard, the passage that connects Booths to Stricklandgate , is appropriately a display of umbrellas although one, it would seem, has had enough of trying to hold back the incessant rain. Hopefully it is suitably abstract for abstract Thursday.

So far this week, as a direct consequence of the weather I have stocked the freezer with apricot and oat slices, blueberry and pecan muffin cake, 8 portions of lentil chilli, 8 portions of beef in beer and 6 portions of Mediterranean chicken. When the weather improves I won't have to cook for a month!

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