
By RetiredDBA

New garden toy

The weather has been so poor I have had to wait ages to commission my new garden toy which arrived a couple of weeks ago. The sun was shining so I was out in the garden early. The new shredder excelled at disposing of a large amount of Himalayan honeysuckle to a fraction of its original volume. My primary task for today was to complete the weed and strawberry clearance from the herb garden. It proved to be a race against time as it wasn't long before the clouds started massing and rain threatened. Had just finished and moved all the tools under cover when the first of several deluges arrived.

The rain restricted garden activities but as I had taken delivery of two new chairs for the conservatory at lunchtime I was content to spend an hour or so constructing them. This was an interesting challenge as some of the components were ridiculously mis-labelled; one chair apparently required two left-sided back legs and two right-sided front legs. Glad I didn't take any notice or it would have been a very strange chair to sit on.

The dark red sofa which was living in the conservatory now has a new lease of life in the office utilising space that was freed up by items of furniture now living in Tynemouth!

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