Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Back Blip - Blue Lagoon

As is the way with Blip - always has been, always will be - yesterday I could've Blipped 20 photos, today I have nothing of note.  We spent the morning wandering around Reykjavik and eating pastries. On the way to the airport we stopped off at The Blue Lagoon, which is much more organised than when I last visited - you can charge items to your wristband, including cocktails. We dumped our wet cossies and headed to the airport for the onward trip to Alaska. Iceland being on British Summer Time meant we landed in Anchorage before we took off from Reykjavik - Anchorage Airport meanwhile seems to be in a time zone from the 1970's, everything was beige or orange and vaguely Russian. We emerged with our cases to find a stuffed polar bear, no signs and no signs of life. We were rescued when someone appeared to sweep the floor, and directed us to the car hire booth about a mile's walk away. 

We ate dinner at 8pm, which was 5am, and I fell into a deep sleep until I awoke refreshed to find it was just after midnight....

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