A brief moment of happiness...

...in a day of teething related tears.
This morning the kids & I saw Jud - wonderful as ever to meet up, laugh, talk deep stuff, talk rubbish & everything in between. Even better when that all happens over avocado toast and coffee. The café where we were, were lovely & gave me a little pot of mashed avocado to try Nate on...he's liked the flavour more as the day has gone on!
Then late afternoon we met up with Joha ('Yo-ha') and Isabel. Spent a bit of time at the swings then headed to a café so J could grab a late lunch. Poor Nate was NOT settled. Joha (blipped) was amazing and took Asha home with her (she lives on the same street as us) so I could Calpol and settle Nate. She dropped her home a couple of hours later having washed and fed her! What a star!!

Drama of the day;

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A lady from our church in the UK sending Asha all sorts of lovely things...craft magazines, Mr Men books, etc... So kind!
2) Joha's kindness.
3) Being prepared - the milk blister is back (noooooooo!!), but I know how to handle it now...hoping it's short-lived! 

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