
Well the blister is back with full force...I felt quite unwell with it this morning. Fortunately today was the day that Stephen, Jud & Emma were looking after Asha. At the start of the school holidays Jud had said to Asha she could go play at theirs all day, and Jud is a woman of her word and so booked it in for this weekend. Perfect timing for me with Danny away and with feeling unwell. 
After a slow start to the day and painkillers, I got Nate and me out for a wander and fresh air...Saturdays always have a quiet feel here, most of the shops are shut, the streets are quiet...lovely! A potter round did both of us good, and we came home feeling happier. 
Nipped out later with Nate in the's VERY hard to take a steady picture with a baby on your front! This shot should have been cleaner!
Then at almost 9, Asha was delivered back to me...full of beans and tales of crafts, swimming, spaghetti, nail painting, the dog etc etc... 

Drama of the day;

Today I'm grateful for;
1) J, S & E giving Asha such a good day. I have memories of days like that with special people...
2) Feeling better this end of the day.
3) Speaking to Danny tonight. He's getting on well! The course/teaching is very intense, but good!

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