
By cowgirl


Aren't iPads great - even Mary, aged almost 7 months, can take a photograph. In fact she had quite a bit of fun with it, what with taking photos and then sitting enraptured by the slideshow as every single photo I have on it flashed up. The interesting thing to see in her development was that she definitely showed recognition of people she knows when photos of them appeared. As an indication of her environment, she also recognised cows and horses, whereas cats, chickens and ferrets didn't receive the same interest!

Continuing in the same vein - near Pickleberry there's a centre for autistic teenagers and as a treat the carers often bring them in ( one at a time ) for cake and a glass of squash. The boy who's turn it was yesterday couldn't communicate with his own voice, but he had an iPad on which he typed his words. Then an app converted them into sound and broadcast them. Amazing.

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