The poorly pope

A memorable day for all the wrong reasons for the pope today. He had ' takeaways' yesterday and a sore tummy last evening. At least he made it to the dirt box. Today he didn't make it to the dirt box or the cat door.


Never mind, we're all cleaned up now and he's perky enough to want biscuits. I just don't understand why someone would feed s a cat that isn't there's and clearly isn't a stray.

Anyway, happier topics include a run, pump class, and a small drive in the country to visit a new cat hotel for Benedict. It's on a par with the 5 star luxury accommodation back in town. He'll get to try it out in a few weeks when Mummy goes fishing.

I pulled the pin on tomorrow's trip to the hills. The weather isn't up to it. Instead I'll get on with the process of smoking some trout. It will be a first at my new home and I'll have to factor in wind and weather.

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